Identity and the world projection, relaxation and evolution

The world that is seen,
Is not the real nature of the world,
Rather, it is that which is filtered through the identity structure and gets projected as ‘out there’.

The identity is the prism that breaks down the universal white light into the world projection.
The world that one sees and lives in, is really a reflection of the nature and structure of one’s identity itself.

Grosser the identity structure = Grosser the world projection i.e. the world that is experienced/seen/felt etc.
Identity is a kind of tension, a kind of flexing.
This tension makes up its very structure.

The “I” is the unconscious.
It is the unconscious tension held and identified with.
When one relaxes, one loosens this identity.
Theoretically, if one relaxes “Totally”,
The identity tension itself would get relaxed,
The identity would disappear, the world projection too would consequently disappear,
And there would be a fall into Samadhi.

Though, generally when people relax,
They never relax past the identity structure/tension itself.
They only relax until the foothills of their identity tension and stop there.
After all, it is that identity that initiates the relaxing itself right,
Why would it relax beyond itself?
It would only relax until itself and stop there.

The LOC (level of consciousness) is the sophistication/subtlety level of the subtle body.
‘David Hawkins’ has explained this in great detail, outlining various LOCs levels from 0 to 1000.
There are various structures, world views, orientations, occupations, that are germane to these difference LOCs.
A person in the 100s LOC would experientially live in a totally different world compared to someone whose LOC is in the 400s.

The higher the LOC, the more rarefied and subtle the identity structure would be.
The capacity to understand, see, know, intuit would increase with the increase in LOC.
Thinner/subtler the identity, more of the world and its information pours in.
The veil is thinned, and now it deals with way more information and reception.
Generally put, subtler the identity, higher is the level of information received.

The identity structures span from gross to subtle.
The movement of the identity structure/tension into the subtle is accomplished by relaxation.
So the different levels of gross to subtle identity structures are attained by progressively higher and higher levels of relaxation.
Initially the relaxation simply moves to the foothills of the identity struct.
If this is taken further and further, it will start to dissolve the very identity tension itself.
One would then enter a period of chaos of not knowing anything – a dark night of the soul would happen.
This would persist until the new subtler station is reached, and a new identity would form and function at that level.

To give an idea of the subtlety and complexity difference,
Imagine the difference between a Nokia 3310 and an Iphone 15 Pro Max.
The difference is in the sheer subtlety and therefore complexity.
The Iphone 15 Pro Max is like a wholly different dimension of complexity and capability, right.

The subtleization/sophistication of identity is the process of spirituality.
It is the conscious/voluntary yielding more and more of the identity into the ultimate subtle (the movement towards no-thing).

The rules of identity dissolution by relaxation and its reconstruction are demonstrated very well in the field of ‘Cymatics’.
To demonstrate the ‘Cymatics’ principles, there is a metal plate with sand on it, and a frequency generator is placed below the plate.
As the frequency is raised, the sand particles form various geometric patterns.
There are different milestone frequencies where a clear geometric pattern is formed.
In between these milestone frequencies however, the sand on the plate is in a state of chaos, with no clear discernible pattern.

All these terms are connected.
For instance, “Infinite frequency” is essentially a state of “Absolute Rest/Absolute Relaxation”
So the more one relaxes, higher is one’s frequency.
Those in-between periods of disarray are the different ‘dark nights of soul’ that the person has to to pass through, before the new subtler structures emerge.
A very advanced spiritual seeker may go through many such ‘dark night of soul’ periods,
As he/she moves through multiple milestones of identity subtleization and evolution.
This concept is also explained well in “Dabrowski’s theory of positive disintegration”.

Generally what carries a person through such periods of chaos/disarray is faith.
This faith comes from the beyond.
It may come from one’s own hidden spiritual potential, or this process may be initiated by a Guru at a higher level.
The identity by itself will never initiate a relaxation beyond its own structure/tension.
Only something beyond it can move it beyond itself.

We see the world as we are, not the way it actually is.
The more subtle our identity is, the richer the world will appear to be.

The 2 kinds of relationships I’ve experienced

I’ve seen 2 kinds of relationships in my life:
# Connections through resonance
# Connections through projection/role-play

Connecting through resonance:
Two minds understand each other when they are attuned/honed to each other,
That is, when both the minds are operating at a similar frequency, they see similar views.

For instance, say you are floating on a hot air balloon.
If you spoke to someone on the ground, his view would be entirely different from yours.
You may be able to talk a little about his surroundings, because you know where he is standing,
Similarly, he might see your balloon and ask you a few questions about that.
But overall, there would not be much to share or connect about.
But suppose you spoke to another person in another hot air balloon at the same height,
Then so much of the view is shared, and thereby you both can easily connect, right?

Two minds can connect if they share the same level of subtleness of perception.
I call this the “LOC” – The level of consciousness of the subtle body.
Generally, things like world view, concerns, ideas, perceptions, thoughts, feelings can be easily shared with another being at the same LOC level.

There is ‘what you are seeing’, and ‘from where you are seeing’.
The LOC is about ‘from where you are seeing’.
If the ‘from where you are seeing’ is common,
Then understanding each other would be very effortless.

Connecting to another being who shares your LOC level,
I call ‘connecting via. resonance’.

Whatever you say to them will be understood fairly easily.
Actually you both already see from the same place.
The talking is more a celebration of the connection already active.
It is a sort of mutual enrichment.
Often there is instant recognition here.
This kind of relationship does not need much time,
And feels comfortable and deep at the start itself.

The other kind of relationship I have had is via. projection/role-play.
These kinds of relationships are mostly from external situations (sharing the same environment, context etc.)

What are called ‘situational relationships’ would come under this.
# Like the roles of being a colleague/coworker/college lab partner/project partner/college friend in the same class, neighbor next door etc.

# I would also include specific interest group connections under here.
Because interest group connections are also somewhat goal based – Check this out, What do you think of this? etc.
They are fairly circumscribed and specific to a certain frame and scope.

# Also, any work related relationships would come in this category.
Like even the relationship you may have with people standing in the same queue as you to buy movie tickets.

# Even healing group members are not necessarily at the same LOC level.
For instance, Two people might connect with each other from their unresolved anger issues, or through their common addiction to something, but their LOCs could be vastly different.

# Even relations with family members, relatives etc. could fall here.
Because they too are certain frames of role-play.

# Even romantic relations are often projection/fantasy/role-play based.
If it does not have enough of resonance elements, then the relationship would fizzle out quickly, i.e. after the ‘enjoyment of the novelty/projection/role-play/fantasy/specific-quality-admiration based interaction’ is completed.